24 July, 2024

Toumani Diabate

Letter from Shenzhen (24-9): Toumani Diabate

I just learned of the death of this incredibly talented Kora player from Mali, at only 58. Here is a short Obituary and Discography from Prestomusic.

I only have one CD of his, Kulanjan, which I bought after the recommendation of another audiophile. It has remained one of my absolute favorite pop CDs as well as Audio Test CD and has previously featured in this blog too. See entry in AllAboutJazz and Wikipedia.

Everything about the album is perfect: the understated but appropriate and thoughtful cover art; the pristine sound; the like-live atmosphere; the absolutely spine tingling playing by Toumani Diabate (and his musicians) and the excellent evergreen Taj Mahal; and the mesmerizing female vocals of Ramatou Diakite. The result is Exaltation!

One important thing about this album is its genuine nature - Taj Mahal and Diabate blended together so well they are inseparable. "World Music" seldom appeals to me, but this is the real thing. Something I have said before, take a past example: I think Paul Simon's Graceland is hopelessly over-rated (Paul Simon does his own simple things and the African musicians do theirs). Not at all on the same level.

Personally I'm quite fond of the Mali sound. Another wonderful singer songwriter is Rokia Traore, whom I've written about before.

Check them out!

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