23 August, 2019

Death of Audiophile

NY Diary (19-11): Death of An Audiophile

Last Saturday I received a call from an old acquaintance, relating the news that a mutual acquanitance had suddenly passed away.

The deceased was a (in)famous reseller. In audio's heydays, he sold a lot of grey goods of hi-end brands (such as MBL) at substantial discount. He himself was into vintage and also traded old tube amplifiers and stuff, eventually foraging into some Western Electric.

For the last decade, he barely hanged on as the audio scene waned. Unscrupulously, if he was desperate for money he would even sell what his friends have lent him, be it tube testers or amps. He owed most of his friends money, quite a bit in fact.

He had a warehouse where mostly unrestored and un-repaired stuff were stored. On Sunday we happened to have an excursion into New Jersey, so we went to see it. His daughter also rented another warehouse for what was left in the house, similar stuff.

Let this be a warning to audiophiles who accumulate too much, including myself. Sell them before it is too late, or at least mark down their approximate worth. Family members have no idea and do not know how to sell. Eventually some buyer will buy the whole lot for a song.

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