New York Diary (20-29): Audio Lores, Influencers and Over-Influence
Note (9/11/20): I went back to using my other cables and what a relief!
The Conductors (and braided shield) of Belden 8412 and 8422 are made of the exact same Tin-plated Copper (as in the 9497 loudspeaker cable) as the better known and discontinued (though available at a premium) 8402. Among audiophiles that is; in professional circles 8412 is the new classic. They are much more similar than different, but the 8412 and 8422 are a lot cheaper and, hopefully after you read this, worthy of your consideration. The price of 8402 is inflated because what is selling are remnants but, as you know, many audiophiles gravitate to vintage or classics and think older is better!
8402 This cable needs no introduction. Like the Belden 9497 Loudspeaker Cable, it was first advocated by the Japanese. This is a classic Microphone Cable with 2 conductors and 2 shields. Belden and Tin-plated copper began their emergence in the DIY community, especially influenced by Jon Risch (whose time-consuming projects I'd never attempt). The 8402 was popularized by the underground and then Influencer Jeff Day set it into the orbit. Spec 8402 2 x 20 AWG (26x34) Conductors have EPDM Insulation. There are 2 Shields: Rayon (fiber) and Tinned Copper. (same as conductor) Outer jacket is CSPE. Impedance is 52 ohm and Capacitance 55 pF/ft. Connection This is pure lore. Lore has it that the Japanese connect the metal shield at both ends for an ostensibly more emotive sound. In the US we usually use floating ground - connect only one end (usually proximal, unless you have different star-grounding plan) and cut off the other (usually distal), which has superiority in shielding (connecting at both ends loses shielding advantage) and noise rejection. There is/was a so-called third way; someone connects both conductors to +ve, and uses the shielding as ground/return. Mind you, this is no earth-shattering stuff. Back in the early days of Gotham, people tried all sorts of things: say, for GAC-4/1 (or Mogami 2549), 4 conductors, some would make 1 x +ve and 3 x -ve , and vice versa. Also, some Gotham have very sophisticated double metal shielding (the Belden's in question are only single metal + another fiber), and one can separate the 2 and choose to connect either or both to ground or not. Many ways; also many ways that are at odds with manufacturer's recommendations. But are not audiophiles a crazy bunch? Cite the spec's when necessary and insist on a non-redbook way when it is suitable for them. Look, I deliberately do not provide a link to any of these, because I think it is totally empirical, system dependent. One guy connected it the Japanese way and waxed lyrics, then sometime later converted it to floating ground and admitted it was better. My experience I thought I wrote about it briefly, but I could not find it in my blog! Anyway, here. Some years ago my yumcha friend Dave gave me a pair of old-stock 8402, finished with classic Switchcraft connectors (I think connected the Japanese way). It sounded reasonably good, full and weighty, but a little dark. Compared with Gotham, it also lacked rhythmic finesse. I did not linger too long on it. Note I don't have this cable with me here in NYC.
8412 and 8422 The 8412 can be thought of as 8402 Mk II, very popular with professionals. I bought these in the US, very cheaply, and terminated them with Switchcraft look-alike, nickle-plated Rean connectors. These use the same Tin-Plated Copper for Conductor and Braid. and If you look at the spec's of 8412, it is very similar to the 8402, differing just in outer jacket material (EPDM) and spec (higher 58 ohm and 67 pF/ft). The 8422 is similarly constructed. Its conductors are smaller, 22 AWG (16x34), which is what interests me. Cotton is used in lieu of Rayon. Insulation is different (PE for conductors and PVC for outer jacket) and so are the spec's (90 ohm; 32 pF/ft). Ergonomics As one removes the rayon or cotton fibers, they disintegrate into tiny flecks; make sure you don't have a fan on and keep a wet cloth to wipe up. Kind of messy.
Part I "Show Some Respect"... I made a pair of each using the "preferred (Japanese)" way, connecting the shield at both ends. I tested them in my streaming system. First, 8412 went into the Micromega MyDAC in lieu of the Kimber KCAG. Pretty good; a richer sound but enough treble and air for me, even if a moment ago I was listening to my favorite silver cable. Then, the 8422 replaced the Gotham GAC-2111 (EMT replica) between the Yamamoto CA-04 preamp and Akitika GT-102 amp. Pretty good too. Now, I was streaming classical music and I liked the deep soundstage (The LS3/5A is a champ in this respect; now I am using 15 ohm Rogers instead of the Audiomaster) and solid sound. But, after a (long) while, the "solidity" nagged at me a little and I remembered my encounter with the 8402. What if the audio lore is just that, unsuitable for me?
Part II Better be Inquisitive... Next day, I made a pair of each with the shield floated (cut-off) at the distal end. I first exchanged the 8412. Surely, a little more air and openness, which I preferred. Next, I exchanged the 8422 - same feeling. Now that I had 2 pairs of each, I tested various combo's. After some fiddling I found: 1) the 8422 and the 8412 share the same basic sonic imprint, but the 8422 sounds lighter on its feet and has somewhat smaller images than the 8412; 2) Using 2 pairs of 8422 the sound may need a little more weight, just as using 2 pairs of 8412 the sound needs some more litheness.; 4) the better balance was obtained by using the 8412 at the front and the 8422 from preamp to amp. That's what I maintained from this point on.
Part III Janus Faced? Now what of the audio lore? This was emphatically answered in this round. Up till then I have been streaming classical music and I was OK with it. To round out the test, I played some of my favorite vocal material. First up was Nick Cave's The Boatman's Call. Now, this is not an up-tempo album, far from it. The first track is a little heavy and murky in the bass, but now especially so. A few more tracks, and I was missing some of the subtle colors from the backing instruments. Next up was Van Morrison's Moondance and my jaws dropped: where has all the mystery and ecstasy gone? It was just plain slow, even lugubrious. I pulled out more; all suffered the same ailment. Readers know I listen to these albums frequently and, just before the Belden residency, with all Gotham cables, the rhythmically savvy Micromega Stage 2 made these albums shine through the LS3/5A. I then stepped up my comparison. Mind you, since I was not streaming, the signal went through The Gotham DRG-1 instead of the 8412, and then the 8422. When I made the shocking discovery, I was using the 8422 pair with the "classic Japanese" termination. I swapped in my pair with the floated ground and immediately the sound, though similar, opened up a little and gained some pace, but still not enough to raise the dead. Now, why had I not been as disturbed when I was streaming classical music? Simple. Listening to classical is just very different as one is listening as much to what's going on vertically (harmonically) than linearly. Although I had a nagging suspicion that the proceedings were too "weighty" for their own good, I was discovering all the things that the Belden were doing right: weighty brass, good instrumental colors, an unfazed nature, all pluses in my book, and it was fascinating to fathom the subtle difference in sound of the big chords and moments (from my usual Gotham). On the other hand, listening to pop music the rhythm is extremely important. Without a sense of drive, all is lost.
Part IV A New Lifeline As usual, there is a twist, and this is most unexpected. Just yesterday, I took delivery of a pair of Harbeth P3ESR SE. I swapped out the 15 ohm Rogers LS3/5A and was immediately stunned. The pop music instantly became more pacey. The footsteps were still a little heavy, but now the pop music marched in formation, not stumbling. This is not a loudspeaker review, but you will have one soon. I also took the time to swap in the 8412 for the 8422 and my previous impressions stood. Yes, the venerable LS3/5A is a little "slow" (slower transients) in comparison, but one would not notice if one were using rhythmically alert Gotham cables. The combination of LS3/5A and Belden 84x2 was emphatically not a match made in heaven.
- 8402/8412 As one long schooled in professional interconnect cables (for me, mostly Gotham and sometimes Mogami), Belden confounds, especially since I am a great devotee of their similarly tin-plated 9497. My impressions of the 8412 is no different from my memory of the 8402. My opinion is: there is no reason to stake out 8402 as 8412 can be had much cheaper. For: innate steadiness, superb texture and good balance (except for bass); Against: lackadaisical timing (especially in the bass). This, for me, is a significant caveat, or fly in the ointment. Not everyone loves the 8402; some netizens complain of darkness and dullness - that is a direct result of the slow-moving bass. This Cable should not have received blanket recommendation. My advice: 1) the Belden 84x2 would likely not work well if your loudspeakers (and system) are of the more relaxed kind, or vintage; it'd work better if your system is on the fast and brash side and you need to add some texture; 2) under any circumstance I'd think it not ideal to use more than one of these; better mix and match with other cables like Gotham. 8422 imho this cable, being a little quicker on its feet, is more balanced than 8402/12, but I suspect 8402 advocates are texture freaks, so be it.
- The Japanese Connection As the 84x2 already has good texture and smoothness, connecting the shield at both ends confers little further advantage but extracts the penalty of smearing the low midrange and bass. Take Marvin Gaye's What's Going On, his dubbed voice overs are significantly less easy to separate from the background vocals and instrumentals when using the Japanese Connection. I prefer by far floating the shield.
Audio Lore, Careless Whispers and Over-Influence
- Reverence or Reverie? Audiophiles are an odd bunch. Many in our hobby treat it like a religion. Some look for a master to subjugate themselves to. Guru says it's best to connect the shield at both ends; yes, master. Of course, the disciple tries floating the shield too, and is only too eager to confirm that his master (and hence his own belief) is right. You see what I mean? When one has a preconceived notion, a follow up action is unlikely to receive unbiased attention. It is good to have some reverence for others' opinions, but don't let that turn into reverie, to become Superstition.
- Wide-Eyed Journalism I'd like to call it shoddy journalism, but I shall try to be kind. After all, this is less serious, a hobby, where truth is harder to arrive at than, say, journalism on politics (or is it?) Again, it's good to be receptive to something new, but try not to be too eager to join the party. I say this not because the journalist held a different opinion than mine. I say this because he devoted very little time to find out the nature of his subject. Look hard and you will find no more than a line or two on wherein the difference lies. There certainly was no mention of the timing penalty imposed by the Japanese connection. If a journalist does not try to approach his subject from different angles, to not fact check as much as possible, he is prone to producing fake news. Even in my case, if the Harbeth had not materialized, I'd have given the 84x2 even lower marks. When the Harbeth made things better, I worked hard to find the merits of these cables. This is after all a professional cable which, in my book, deserve closer scrutiny than commercial ones. I also would like to say that on the net audio writing is getting shorter and shorter. From blog to microblog to facebook etc, increasingly piecemeal and unworthy. One reason is that some journalists get saddled by too many toys. When one spends so perilously little time on something before moving on to something else, how can you trust his opinion(s)? Now you know why I could not generate any interest at all in Duelund. And, believe me, I was playing with Western Electric cables more than 20 years ago, and mine were better than what they are selling now or what's passing as the genuine thing.
- Over-Influence The journalist is an influencer; in this case highly so. It is unfortunate. Those of us who can use a solder make it ourselves, but there are many more others who don't and buy it assembled. As the 8402 got popularized, all kinds of operations sprang up to sell ready made ones. If you peruse Ebay, all say "terminated the Japanese way, with shield connected at both ends". Well, one voice. When it comes to cables, do you believe in one voice?
I agree with assessment of slowness (belden 8402). to me this is a grievous sin. I noticed it when I was using it as an IC between my DAC and headphone amplifier. I then relegated it to FM tuner duty, and finally removed from system altogether.
ReplyDeleteIt really confounds me what some of these writers do. Not identifying an obvious weakness.
Deletethe belden 8402 I find very bad against the gotham 2111, the placement, the authenticity of instruments and the space is much better with the 2111. the best and most neutral cable ever is the mogami 2803 with kle connectors.
ReplyDeleteJust curious, what led you to the comparatively less known 2111? You must have experience with other Gothams. I'll be curious to hear about your experience more.
DeleteMaybe he just sells these cables? and made a review disguised as a user. Audio forums are full of deceit and sincere delusions.
DeleteI will give newcomers two expensive advice: A - try to never buy what you yourself were not able to hear.
B - miracles are very rare! Physically, it does not happen that good things cost little money.
To understand this well - you just need to compare.
In the zero years, I had a good money situation, I changed a new Mercedes every year, bought a bunch of glamorous electronics ... then went broke on the stock exchange ... bad mood ... sold audio ... I have not worked for 15 years ... decided make an inexpensive but good audio system and drew attention to modestly priced devices ... The conclusion is sad - 9 times out of 10 their products are rubbish ... they are not in vain worth little - garage firms, engineers without knowledge, they have no equipment, they save every cent, conduct aggressive deceitful advertising ...
I have been waiting for a parcel for half a year (planes do not fly there) - probably this is a sign - the sky tells me - take the money, fool! ... by indirect indications, I realized that the sparkler is a utopia ... not "vintage wine", but simply the most basic level ...
I had to find a "Mytek manhattan" on the secondary market or take a new "Yamamoto YDA-01B" - I heard them - great sound ...
I am surprised by your reluctance to find good cables (not professional) once - there are neutral ones among them and they will sound much better! So torment - putting together a good system bit by bit and not making it sound like it can - strangling with these cheap cables ... I like "Atlas Mavros" ...
I repeat "Kia's car" - it will never drive like a BMW - do not build any illusions! Why endless reviews of too cheap electronics - there must be some initial threshold below which you cannot look ... for example, the start for the DACs is $ 2000-3000 (this is provided: that the price is not initially overpriced, the device is made by smart guys with very long experience and there are good details) ...
P / S have you come across a good recording of this piece? I already threw out 2 discs ... I like this manner (soft) as in the link.
I don't think the writer had any conspiracy; he just spent too little time listening.
DeleteAh, the Sparkler as Utopia! I like that analogy. And, too bad about what you had experienced.
Well, I do have some hifi cables. Using Kimber KCAG right now!
analogy? )) - I have good reasons for this hypothesis ... while I was waiting for the parcel - I bought a theta transport ... my hands were itching and I wrote a letter to the manufacturer ... it turned out that I needed to make friends (connect them in the best way) a little refinement on the part of Japan - and then the adventures began ... I realized that the engineer does not know some standard generally accepted things ... extremely economical ... my hope is slowly dying ...
Deleteif I'm wrong - I'm ready to gobble up my words .
kimber - natural and neutral? I thought it was rather harsh - it creates the illusion of drive ... those who listen to rock love it ... why do you need silver ??? - try copper, for example the old XLO reference ...
Just a comment echoing your voice...but first my compliments...A very good article that I have been eagerly and patiently waiting for; I was almost going to ask if you have forgotten about the promised review. But before I did, voila. I must confess, having very little experience (very close to zero), in the audio world, I basically look up to almost everyone who has more experience than I do (and almost every blog) rather than relying on my primal instincts- the sensation received by my ears. I first read about the “Japanese way” of making interconnects with the 8402 about a year or two ago and quickly ordered a few yards from eBay. I was quite determined to set out on a quest for the “real sound” - the cables are expensive relative to 8412 but they aren’t things that would cost an arm and leg. Having nothing to compare with, I quickly accepted as a fact that what comes out ought to be the definition of the “real sound”. The difficulty experienced by people like me in making a judgement about what sounds good or not is, as you have so correctly pointed out, the submission of one’s subjectivity to another’s subjectivity. That also happens when someone doesn’t possess the remarkable aural memory that you and so many others possess.
ReplyDeleteSo, without setting a deadline for myself, I will be “floating” the shield and making a comparison with the “Japanese way” - I did order enough for two pairs luckily. I am going to listen to them again and at the end, I may agree with you, the master, or not. After all, audio is kind of like food, what’s too spicy to you may not be spicy at all to me.
Indeed. Whatever your finding, report back! But do try a couple of Gotham or Mogami too.
DeleteThat "remarkable" aural memory (and attendant beliefs and bias) is usually a result of having spent way more money and time on this hobby than one should. In HK, we call this "paying tuition".
DeleteI do believe everyone has to pay his dues. Free internet advice only gets one so far. What really educates is losing quite a bit of money on purchases one regrets, which happens to all of us.
But as long as we love music, the wounds will heal! :-)
Has anyone tried the Gotham GAC-1 interconnect? Made in the UK as follows: "Gotham GAC-1 is a single core cable and the shielding is soldered at both plugs with silver plated Preh DIN 5 180, Linear Crystal Oxygen Free Copper, Double Reussen Shield noise rejection + static noise cancellation."
ReplyDeleteDoc, you are right about 8402. I tried in my humble 300B/845 + Tannoy Turnberry system, the 8402 is too dark and congested compare to a pair of simple home-made Duelund tinned copper RCAs.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for the feedback!
DeleteThere is a solution for those who like the sound of the Belden 8402 but not happy with the bass and the pace (rhythmic drive) of the cable. Belden 8428. To me, it sounds like the Gotham GAC4 or 2 in the bass. It's better in terms of Resolution, Depth, and Stage. Highs are more detailed, and it performs better in Mid, Mid-Low and Low frequency ranges. The 8428's sound signature is more organic and extended than the 8402.
ReplyDeleteThx for the tip. I may be able to get my hands on some here in China. Will try out one day.
DeleteHowever, in a direct comparison, the GAC-3 is just a bit more analytical and has just a tad sharper imaging and a more see through quality and maybe less rhythmic drive. It comes down to taste and synergy. It sounds like the GAC-2 on steroids. If you like the GAC-2 you are going to like the 8428. It is more detailed and has a higher resolution and the same foot tapping involving quality as the GAC-2. I personally like both the GAC-3 and the 8428 and like to switch them according to my mood phases. Please don't forget to let the cables pass the burn-in process (300-500 hours) in order to get the best performance.
ReplyDeleteHi…was wondering if anyone else noticed this. 8402 - HF is quite recessed. How it manifested itself in my system is cymbals sounded very distant and smallish…and lacking in attack and shimmer. Thanks for your input.
ReplyDeleteOf course! A corollary of the slow bass means an unpure treble!
DeleteI felt the 8402 was a good match in my system. The Canare L-4E6S is clean but mundane. Swapping in the 8402 brought more texture and the more relaxed bass resembles amps with lower damping factor. This made me happy some days. I literally gained a new sound on the cheap.
ReplyDeleteGlad I re-read the articles and comments every now and then. I’m going to check on the 8428 recommended by Attila. Thank you! :)
Regarding this: "Note (9/11/20): I went back to using my other cables and what a relief!"
ReplyDeleteWhat are the 'other cables'?
The 8402’s strength lies in how it portrays music by giving the illusion that you are not just a bystander listening in to the music but rather, that you are there with the musicians. It beguiles you to suspend actual reality with its reality. For a while, you are not just an accessory witnessing the music but a participant in the unfolding musical experience. This palpable sense of realism is what the 8402 supremely excels in recreating. It is this quintessential quality of the 8402 that few cables are able to match, regardless of price. That it is able to do so in spite of its eccentricities (lackadaisical timing being one) is a paradox and mystery to me. Maybe that’s why the 8402 has garnered such polarising views.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, and thx for the feedback.