11 March, 2025

Douk U4 PJ Miaolai A4 Part III

Letter from Hong Kong (25-1): ELO on  Douk U4/PJ Miaolai A4, again
Review: Douk U4 (aka PJ Miaolai A4), Part III

Douk U4 Part I  from Doctorjohn has all the basic info.
Part II comprises experiences from ELO and Shawn P, chronicled in detail. It's actually fascinating, as always, to read about people struggling to make their gear work for them. It also shows how fastidious we are here in leaving no stone unturned for items we deem worthwhile (even if flawed). Compare that with reviews on the net (not to mention youtubers).

U4/A4 Again?? Not tired of promoting it?? Time for my WEA to step down?

Douk U4/ PJ Miaolai A4

It's hard to conceive that I was a skeptical  bystander about  Douk U4! Now, I have introduced this to many friends and they are all seasoned audiophiles with many years of experience and all were happy with the U4! But why should I keep promoting this unit, I dunno, I am not getting paid nor related to Douk and in fact I have never contacted them once! Ultimately, I just want to prove some principles in HiFi wrong and make HiFi lovers focus on music rather than gear. Many audiophiles use music to serve their uber expensive and flashy systems while music lover simply uses stereo to play music!

I keep hearing improvement over the U4 at difference places and I am expecting it will keep on improving at my place. Will the previously unshakable status of my trustworthy Wattson Emerson Analog WEA be shaken? We will talk about it more below.

This little Douk U4/ PJ Miolai A4 is like David in a HiFi World of Goliath's, where most buy stuff based on eye candy factor, size (over matter) and price tag (high enough to stroke one's ego) more than sound and Douk U4 is always fighting fearlessly in front of these Big Bosses ! 

Andy A newly met (online) friend Andy, who is also a long time NYC friend of Doctorjohn, has an illuminating comment on his experience on U4: he said despite many gear that can better the U4 in certain music genre, none can give him the "Thereness" experience of U4, the realness , the feeling of presence and "as if you are there " feeling, and that is what he treasures most from U4. He reckons tubes from WE sounds most real, perhaps I may look for one. (P.S., Tung Sol 5670, said to be OEM for WE , is on ordered for testing!)

Dr. Lo I brought the U4 to his place and at first his eyes betray his belittlement of this cheap unit, which is normal. But in the end he was surprised by the sound coming out from it! I played Tidal and Youtube through it using my Huawei P30 Pro phone (which I think sounds best compared to my tablet and laptop and other cellphones) as well as playing some tracks from Audio Technica's Sound Burger. Time from Pink Floyd left him in awe of the sound coming out from the formidable U4/SB combo! I left the unit with him to play around for a few days. In the interim, he was using the iFi Zen Blue Bluetooth and briefly thought it was better or comparable to my U4; this drew my doubts as I had previously sold my brand new iFi Zen Blue in less than a week. So I went to his place again to listen to both. Ended up we both agreed that the U4 was more engaging and musical; in comparison the iFi sounded a bit bland, nonchalant and uninvolving. The result further reinforced my belief~ Power Supply With a Ray modified LPS that I had bought before the sound has beefed up with more flesh and blood and texture. Before I left, he told me another friend will come over to listen to the setup and I asked him to blind test U4 with his friend. Needless to say, his friend was pleasantly surprised by the sound coming out from this little unit! He said with a better Space and Time cable, the performance elevated to another level but I am confident my Sommer/Studer cable will not be inferior to it. I then asked if blind tested, will this unit beats or compare favorably with a $20k+ CDP, he paused for a minute and think deeply then nodded slowly and agreed.

Kwong Same happened to my long time HiFi buddy. I had asked him to try the U4 for months and to implement into his new home in China. He ended up buying a Pioneer Streamer and a Chinese DAC, which cost him over $10K HKD. He was happy with it until I almost put a knife on his neck to buy the U4 LOL. He then bought it and once plugged it in, he was very surprised by the SQ of U4, which was neck to neck with his current combo. One day, I gave him the Jan GE 5670 tube to replace the stock and as soon as he plugged it in, he never looked back and told me he immediately sold his Pioneer/DAC combo and used only the U4 as the sound sourfce and the SQ has surpassed his streamer/DAC combo by a significant  margin!

JC Needless to say, veteran JC, with the museum like collection of gear that he possesses~, along with his friends are all using U4 as their main source already and he is having tremendous fun on tube rolling and replacing LPS, cables (including USB) etc. 

7 Another friend Seven had bought it based on my enthusiastic recommendation but was too busy to listen to it since he had been on graveyard shift lately, poor him... Finally he texted me that he was so excited by the sound quality of U4. Exactly like me, he put it aside when he first received it, and was skeptical of this little unit..... then eventually the GE JAN tube arrived and he started to plug it in and listen seriously and what a transformation, the sound absolutely surpassed his Eversolo A6 (replaced LPS) and Holo Spring One L3 DAC! He is putting them up on sale immediately, which shows how good this little U4 is! He then decided to up his system and today he changed all his cables to Sommer/Studer/Neutrik and needless to say, the whole performance has elevated to another level!  

Extract of his comment:


Me From the beginning till now, U4 has served as a reliable source at my home for watching TV and Youtube videos and playing records from Sound Burger. But initially I thought WEA clearly had the upper hand when streaming Tidal and I deemed the gap to be significant. PS But how would the U4 sound with the New PS from Ray and with Sommer/Studer cable, will it dethrone my WEA?? 

More Comparison I was ready for the face off of U4 vs WEA. I used the newly bought Luxman AS-4III line selector ($700HKD) from Yodobashi in Osaka to resolve the issue of only one input of E6.

Setup A - Tidal using WEA, iFi Power Plus PS. All resting on graphite plucks and with body connected to ground box. All cables Sommer/Studer (with Neutrik connectors that brought significant improvement over stock KLE ones); Setup B - Tidal using Huawei P30 Pro phone to Douk U4 powered by Ray's PS ( All Sommer/Studer).

And that's not the only thing. Icefox, DJ and Andy (DJ's long time friend) all told me to also try the headphone jack as output. I first heard it that way at Mila's shop - not much impression as I was not familiar with his setup and his audio preference seems slightly differs from mine - so I could not make a judgement. I went home and tried it myself and here's my finding: sound seems to be smoother with improved body , more musical too when I connected to the headphone jack; however, that is with a cost -  a loss of certain degree of clarity and shrinking of soundstage as well as less quiet background. Fish and Bear Paw, I chose the latter, i.e. RCA out at the back.

As mentioned, I had finally taken the plunge and replaced the KLE connectors of my last two set of Sommer/Studer interconnects to Neutrik . The effect on U4 playing Tidal music from my laptop is really promising; the sound from RCA output has further improved with added nuance , musicality and silkiness. 

Tidal Tracks I played to compare: 1) Paris, Istanbul, Shanghai by Joel Glare; 2) Bach III Gavotte and Rondeau by Nathan Milstein; 3) Love letter by Jacky Chan; plus many others. 

Initially, switching A/B, sound was neck to neck, which really surprised me, as this was the first time that my WEA was seriously challenged , which is indeed a shock for me since before there was a big gap between WEA and U4 !

In terms of sheer musicality , details, smoothness, balanced sound through high, mid and low spectrum, the U4 was neck to neck with WEA! At one point I could not decide which setup is better!!! That was the FIRST time in my memory. 

So I did one thing, I unplugged the WEA and decided to spend days to listen to just the U4, streaming Tidal, Youtube through TV. Needless to say, I was very happy with U4 and for once I had forgotten the WEA completely since it was so convenient to use!

Until...a few days ago, I thought it was time to shift back to my WEA. I think that would be a fair comparison since I had become so used to U4's sound by now!

And the verdict is...WEA still has the upper hand! That said, U4 did most of the things right or even superbly. The WEA only beats it in the additional clarity and the emotional connection in strings (Erhu with WEA is definitely more engaging and can trigger my inner emotion far more than U4 or any other setup I have heard). That said, for most other types of songs, U4 is very comparable to WEA.

Violin from WEA is among the best that I have heard; it can grab my heart and soul ! I'm afraid U4, while very very good, cannot match the final touch of WEA. But consider U4 is selling at a fraction of price, there's no shame at all, it's just that WEA is such  a wonderful little machine from the Swiss that in itself is a certain David in front of bigger Goliath's!!!


I will NOT put a conclusion since both U4 and WEA are such wonderful bargains in today's mad mad Hifi world, where a power cable can sell for 700K to 800K HKD!! I leave it up to you to make a conclusion for yourself and examine your motive towards "playing HiFi" (Chinese term in listening to HiFi)

Music First, with sufficient Hifi attributes - that's always the only way!!! Until then Adios Sis and Bros.

Thanks to Deep Seek's recommendation of Shungite crystal! I just bought some and placed it on top my WEA and mixed some with tourmaline in one of my gorund boxes, all to good effect.
I had replaced the original box with a beautiful inlaid wooden box~

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