24 October, 2019

Nagatron HV-9100, 360CE, JTR-3, AQVOX 2CI Mk II BMC MCCI

Click pics to enlarge. Top: Ah, the struggles of life. Nagatron HV-9100 on the Garrard 401/SME 3012.

NY Diary (19-14): Nagatron Cartridges, Part II, AQVOX 2CI MkII, Part II

Revised November 8th with two valuable Nagatron pics added, courtesy of Andy.

This is a quick write up to tie up some loose ends, organized in several parts.

My previous article on Nagatron has all the background details.
AQVOX 2CI Mk II, Part I has all the details.

Right pic: Luxman turntable with Nagatron 360CE.

Nagatron Cartridges and AQVOX 2CI Mk II
This re-visit came about because my friend RC (more below) has a Nagatron, which he uses with a SUT; but he became curious about Current-Amplified Phonostages. Although I thought the 0.04 output of the Nagatron is still too low for the AQVOX 2CI Mk II, I agreed to the project and then to lend him the unit.

First, RC came to Queens to audition my system. In lieu of the resident Aurorasound Vida I connected the AQVOX. First, we listened to my Denon DL-301 Mk II (more on this in a later article) on my Technics SL-1200 Mk II, the captured cable of which I had to use a RCA female-to female connector to connect to the RCA to XLR special cable for the AQVOX (see link above). Despite this, the sound was marvelous. The was complete absence of noise. I then was able to directly connect my Thorens TD-309/Koetsu Black and the AQVOX did it absolute justice. Though different, it was fully the equal of the much more expensive Aurorasound (less punchy but calmer). RC and I marveled at the quietness and the composed and luxuriant feeling of the AQVOX.

At Andy's, we heard again the 2 Nagatron cartridges I wrote about (see link at top), though the turntables were different from last time (see pics). We connected them with the AQVOX. They sounded pretty good but gain was pretty low even with the horns. Now, Andy is quite picky, but even he praised the sonic quality, though noting that the sound homogenized the difference between cartridges and records. Most amazing to me was the complete absence of noise even when maxing out - imagine asking your phonoamp to do this for a 0.02 V signal, at least 10 times lower in output that your MC!  BTW, the Luxman (as if he doesn't have enough, donated by his relative) was too soft, as is true for all classic offerings of this company (the preamps are even worse), not one of my favorite companies, though I have to say they look so good.

Home Visit
RC took the AQVOX home. I went visiting a few days later. The complicated system has changed quite a bit (previous system here). In his own words:

Speakers: Klang & Ton NADA (Madisound link) + 4- REL Q201e Subs  
Amps- VTL 100 mono blocks using 2 KT150 tubes; for the Summer months, Classe Audio DR8 SS amp 
Pre: Bent Audio Tap X, Dave Slagle Autoformer volume control, DSPeaker Antimode 2.0 for the Sub woofer system 
Anolog: Technics SP10MK2, Sony PUA1600l Tone arm and various cartridges 
Technics SH305S SUT & a Valab LCR-1 Phono stage 
Digital - Mac MIni server, Focusrite Red Net 3 transport, Mutec MC3+3 re clocker, Antelop Audio Live Clock world clock, Audio Note DAC3.1X balanced DAC 

Sonically, the sound was improved from last visit. The new loudspeakers obviously have faster transient speed and more dynamics. The subwoofers were reasonably well integrated. RC played both the Denon DL-301 Mk II and Nagatron JTR-3 (with SUT) for me, and they were very good, still better than the elaborate digital system. The Nagatron's fast transient is unmistakable. I also love the looks of the Sony arm.

It was too bad RC had dismantled my AQVOX before my visit, so I could not hear it, but although the gain was not quite enough he was quite enamored of the sound that he wanted one. Guess what? He obtained one from Ebay, not the AQVOX, but the more expensive BMC MCCI by the same designer Candeias! It arrived today. Stay tuned.

This DEAD-QUIET phonoamp is a winner!

Lunch at Andy's: Beef with Hot Peppers, Pork with Bamboo Shoots,
Fish in Sichuan Sauce and Eggplants 

Rare Nagatron Transformer and Headamp

A Record Store I'd have loved to have visited. The mesmerizing
Anna Karina in Jean-Luc Godard's Vivre Sa Vie.
The captivating score was by Michel Legrand.