Click Pics to Enlarge: From Front to Back, 12" Tannoy Black's in DIY Cabinet; 12" Tannoy Silver's in HPD Cabinet; 15" Tannoy Gold's barely seen.
Virtual Home Visit (3): Tannoy Rarities, Softone/ICL, Sun Audio and DIY Cabinets and Tube Amps
How Time Flies! Last time I reported on our Hong Kong Yumcha Friend K.C. was almost 10 years ago (here)! I have maintained a connection with them via our yumcha WhatsApp group, and it comes in handy during these tough times. You can look forward to many home visits down the pipeline.
Tannoy Black Silver Gold In that article I gave the details of his setups, particularly the extremely rare and expensive Tannoy Black drivers, so please read that for background as I am not going to repeat myself here.
Softone/ICL Model 2 DAC For Digital, K.C. has always used his trusty Philips CD-850 as transport. I sold him the Softone/ICL Model 2 DAC (still sold here). IMHO it is excellent value for price. It employs a pair of 6DJ8 valves and can handle up to 24/96. Being a DIY'er, of course K.C. had modified it to his satisfaction (I'd change those Japanese brown caps). Should you like to read more on this small but interesting company, I have previously reported on Softone/ICL Models 1, 2, 3 here; I also reported on the Model 4 Phono here. You can call me a fan of this company.


Below is a Chinese TV series which features on the sideline hi-end audio. This Lady
got to listen to a 40K RMB system and got the shivers. She borrowed the CD.
But in the next episode (plays automatically) she discovered it was not the same
on her computer,and she went shopping for a system.
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