Letter from Hong Kong (22-6): E Lo on Rayaudio
Rayaudio PS and Audio Isolation Transformer
Regular readers know that ever since I purchased my WEA (Emerson) over a year ago I wanted to upgrade the PS. I had been using the iFi+ power supply with satisfactory results but deep down I knew the sound could be further improved by implementing an even better PS.
I had looked into many options from SBooster, Plixir etc. I thought any of them can improve the sound but at a very high price tag. I almost decided on a Plixir.
Then, one day, I was talking to Dr. Lo, my high school friend, and he said he has been using Ray's PS and experienced marked improvements. He also had a new crossover for the TAD built for him and he vowed it was a night and day difference.
Ray is a hifi veteran who knows his stuff well as he was a former designer for Monarchy Audio and I have trust in him as he is a true music lover as well. He has revamped Western Electric amps as well as modified some Monarch Audio amps for his clients (chronicled before in an interesting article here).
So I called up Ray and asked him to custom build one for me and I specifically asked him to include an isolation transformer in the unit as well! He said yes and the cost would be less than 200USD. Compared to the 450 USD Plixir is asking, it’s definitely a no brainer. He said it will not be Linear Power Supply (LPS) as he opines that LPS sound will be clearer but also takes some life out of the music. I can agree since I had tried some cheap LPS before. I couldn't wait! Ray spared no effort and built a PS unit for me using NOS EI transformers and hifi grade parts!
Initial Impression Tested the PS at his workshop first, and then my place. At his place, it was already spectacular, but of course back home it was altogether another matter. I knew the second I hooked it up - the difference was not subtle. The whole background was darker; everything seemed to settle down comfortably - no more unwanted tension; more details; more at ease, musical and smoother than before. Miraculously, at the same time, the transients and attacks were right on the money! Due to the lower noise floor, music was more fluid and transparent at the same volume, which created the impression that sound level seemed lower. And it did sound more musical.
Somehow while I definitely felt the ease of music presentation and increase in coherence and musicality, there was a slight loss at both extremes ends and in microdynamics, which I hope will improve given time for break in. The only thing I am still slightly bothered by is that iFi seems to have a slight edge on immediacy and attack over Ray's. It seems like: in order to gain another level of detail, a slight loss in immediacy is sacrificed .I'm still comparing the two units and wish I can get the best of both in one box.
Verdict and Dilemma: Power Supply from Rayaudio. Clarity, detail and smoothness vs rawness, edgy and immediacy. It's a tough one to pick, but for now, I'll go with Ray's PS for the smoothness (P.S. I had officially replaced my iFi PowerX).
Graphite Blocks While I was suffering from the dilemma, My friend Kwong handed me some graphite blocks and I placed them under my 47 Gaincard. All at once, there was a huge improvement in details and microdynamics, without being too dry, harsh or cold. With the smoothness and musical character of Ray's PS, the whole system now seemed to balance out nicely! They seemed to compliment each other and work synergistically.
I had looked into many options from SBooster, Plixir etc. I thought any of them can improve the sound but at a very high price tag. I almost decided on a Plixir.
Then, one day, I was talking to Dr. Lo, my high school friend, and he said he has been using Ray's PS and experienced marked improvements. He also had a new crossover for the TAD built for him and he vowed it was a night and day difference.
Ray is a hifi veteran who knows his stuff well as he was a former designer for Monarchy Audio and I have trust in him as he is a true music lover as well. He has revamped Western Electric amps as well as modified some Monarch Audio amps for his clients (chronicled before in an interesting article here).
So I called up Ray and asked him to custom build one for me and I specifically asked him to include an isolation transformer in the unit as well! He said yes and the cost would be less than 200USD. Compared to the 450 USD Plixir is asking, it’s definitely a no brainer. He said it will not be Linear Power Supply (LPS) as he opines that LPS sound will be clearer but also takes some life out of the music. I can agree since I had tried some cheap LPS before. I couldn't wait! Ray spared no effort and built a PS unit for me using NOS EI transformers and hifi grade parts!
Initial Impression Tested the PS at his workshop first, and then my place. At his place, it was already spectacular, but of course back home it was altogether another matter. I knew the second I hooked it up - the difference was not subtle. The whole background was darker; everything seemed to settle down comfortably - no more unwanted tension; more details; more at ease, musical and smoother than before. Miraculously, at the same time, the transients and attacks were right on the money! Due to the lower noise floor, music was more fluid and transparent at the same volume, which created the impression that sound level seemed lower. And it did sound more musical.
Somehow while I definitely felt the ease of music presentation and increase in coherence and musicality, there was a slight loss at both extremes ends and in microdynamics, which I hope will improve given time for break in. The only thing I am still slightly bothered by is that iFi seems to have a slight edge on immediacy and attack over Ray's. It seems like: in order to gain another level of detail, a slight loss in immediacy is sacrificed .I'm still comparing the two units and wish I can get the best of both in one box.
Verdict and Dilemma: Power Supply from Rayaudio. Clarity, detail and smoothness vs rawness, edgy and immediacy. It's a tough one to pick, but for now, I'll go with Ray's PS for the smoothness (P.S. I had officially replaced my iFi PowerX).
Graphite Blocks While I was suffering from the dilemma, My friend Kwong handed me some graphite blocks and I placed them under my 47 Gaincard. All at once, there was a huge improvement in details and microdynamics, without being too dry, harsh or cold. With the smoothness and musical character of Ray's PS, the whole system now seemed to balance out nicely! They seemed to compliment each other and work synergistically.
Audio Signal Isolation Transformer by Rayaudio
Now this little gadget really impressed me at Ray's studio. The other day I was visiting Ray to listen to music and his setup dis sound really good. While I was about to leave, Ray ask me to wait as he wanted me to hear the Audio Signal Isolation Transformer he designed. Since the cables were not long enough , he had to move around the amplifiers on display to make it work, and I was thinking oh dear, I will just listen a little and compliment it and head off... The little device, said to house a high grade permalloy transformer, is to be placed directly between the source (my WEA) and his monblock amps. It's a little silver box 2" x2" x 3" in size. According to Ray, its design was based on a one to one gain isolation such that it serves the purpose of separation of ground on devices on both end.
The result, to say the least, was remarkable. The improvements over the already great sound were so obvious that there could simply be no second guessing. This was further confirmed by prolonged listening to songs that I was familiar with! The imaging was much better, sound was larger, more flesh and blood, and with wider and deeper soundstage. Needless to say , I ordered one on the spot.
My friend Kwong had already bought one of this (RCA to RCA) and was already amazed by the huge improvement! He then ordered a dual box pair (for use in balanced to single ended connection) and he said the improvements were even more substantial!
Mine is hooked up already at home and needs burning in. Right now, the effect may not be as huge as I had experienced in Ray's studio but I'll let it run in a bit more. But, even after a few days, the improvements are already easily noticeable, it is also a keeper.
Verdict It is Recommended if you happen to be in HK. At around $100 USD, it's a super deal. And if you buy preamp custom built by Ray (another simplistic but highly musical device on the cheap), he can implant it into the preamp so that you save yourself the additional interconnect! Ray and I had discussed and he said it's not a buffer like Dr. John had suggested, but the use of transformer to separate the ground noise is the principle behind the design.
Next up is to test out the Schuman Waves device...that would be another post. Also Qobus vs Tidal! Plus the magic silver box connected between iCon4 and WEA..,and what if I place more graphite blocks under my speakers...Until then, stay tuned~