22 January, 2024

優美 (UMI) 1:1 音頻牛

優美 (UMI) 1:1 音頻牛 (之 一)

雖然筆者已經知道這神器的存在超過壹年,也在自己系統用了超過幾個月,也構思了要怎麽報道,動筆卻是超乎意料的難。筆者是壹個英文音響博主 (系屬谷歌,國內看不到),但中文寫作沒有問題。難的是這個東西對壹般發燒友來說會有點“神”,需要解釋爲什麽要用它。很多人,包括筆者,是所謂簡約派,認爲 ”多只香爐多只鬼“。但是,西方人有壹句話,Simple but not too Simple, 即 “簡單,但不能過于簡單”,值得借鑒。如果妳是屬于相信訊源直入後級,沒有前級最好聲那壹派,可能不需要看下去。


筆者不是工程師,數據上懂得只是皮毛。可是對聲音肯定知道好壞的。我相信這裏的讀者大部分都是有基礎的,可能大部分都多元化,有用前後級。先說前後級配搭,最簡單的問題是後級輸入靈敏度,高的甚至可以不要前級 (如古董 Leak,現代 Audio Note 後級);低的非常需要增益大的前級(如 古董Quad II)。但這只是最簡單的問題(雖然發燒友也忽視)。


最簡單地說,壹個好的1:1音頻牛,用在兩件器材中間,可以幫助藕合。拿優美來說,前面的器材面對的是穩定的600歐牛初級,而後面的也是接受穩定的600 歐輸入。越不匹配的器材有可能受益最大。更可以幫助驅動長的訊號線。


音頻牛有這麽多潛在的好處,爲什麽我們很少在器材上見到?原因很簡單,成本太貴了。牛的制造不容易,全世界沒有多少個用家能自家生産(優美是例外,本身主要做各種牛的)。音頻牛雖然小(優美的罩在那兩個圓罩裏) 但它的制作不會比大許多的輸出牛容易。通過的訊號非常小,品控就更加重要。牛的制造不光是科學和手藝,和任何音響産品壹樣,還是含有人耳調控的成分,人耳的取舍和決定。研發的代價不少,在國外會是非常貴的。這不只是錢的問題,設計師遇到阻礙時肯定會抓狂 (廣語“嘔血”),只有最有耐力的人才可堅持下來。

現在世界上沒有多少人生産音頻牛。它大部分功能可以用其它零件解決。可是幾十年前就不壹樣。回到西電年代,非常多的器材其實是專業(如戲院)用的。幾乎所有器材都會有音頻牛,有些有增益(麥克風放大),有些沒有。那時候專業已經用平衡端子,去到膽機要用牛轉換成非平衡RCA。牛也可以輕易倒相 (優美就可以)。

既然現代零件可以代替音頻牛的功能,它有存在價值嗎?在音響領域裏,肯定有!西電用家再清楚不過。那些拆下來的”過氣“西電音頻牛現在價值連城,有錢都買不到!爲什麽?就是因爲它們能做到就算發燒級零件都做不到的效果。比較普遍的西電 111C大家可能比較熟悉,二,三十年前發燒友壹窩蜂地把它接在CD機後面。現在,更貴更罕有的91A已被搶到價錢不斷上升。

留意: 點擊鏈接首先看到的圖片是比較便宜的 1:3, 不是這裏說的 1:1


  1. I just received the UMI 1:1 (Mk I). The instructions are in Chinese which is no issue because it is it easy enough to figure out how to configure the unit. My question is there is an English subsection that addresses burn-in. Would a Chinese reading owner translate that section for me? Just want to know what the expected break-in period might be. Thank you in advance.

    1. It's the usual bit of saying with time conductor crystals will align in better order. It says after 1 week it will sound a little better. Our experience however is run-in is hardly necessary.

    2. Thank you. I appreciate the discovery and the other useful information you provide.

    3. Welcome to the UMI club! Sound is fantastic right off the bat and like Dr had said, it will improve a bit and stabilise after one week.

      How does it sound in your setup anyway, curious to know!

    4. Well…let me just say I made an error. When doctorjohn responded to my question on your year-end posting as to whether I could do single end to balanced with the Mk I, I misread the response. I figured out my mistake when I hooked up my Mk I and the volume in my system was at least 6db (via Topping Pre90) less that when my Border Patrol DAC was connected via RCA. That is a good indicator that the Mk I output (XLR) is not true balanced.

      The doctor’s response was correct that I could use the MkII for my application but I misintepreted his response to read that I could use the MK I for the SE to XLR balanced conversion. So, I need to send the Mk I back (ugh) and try and figure out a way to order the Mk II unit. The TaoBao site is very unfriendly outside of China (I am in the USA). Any help here would be appreciated.

      So, no official UMI club member yet, but trying!

    5. Sorry to hear about that. If money is not a preoccupying concern I'd actually think you can think about keeping the I and buy another II. At least with RCA connection, 2 in the chain makes great sound! one DAC to Pre and one Pre to amp.

    6. Urgh, sorry to hear that. Hope you got it sorted out and tell us your experience!

  2. Hi, I'm very new to this and want to try and interstage trafo, I'll probably go for the UMI as i only need one - between my RIAA stage and Integrated amp.

    I only use SE RCA to RCA so which of the of the UMI's (I see they list two S1 and S2 via the NobSound (Douk Audio) eBay shop, should I get?

    For info my RIAA does have RCA outputs but my amp does not, hence I only use the RCA connetions to keep it all simple.


