Letter from Hong Kong (24-19): ELO Home Visits and LCY Supertweeter
Editor: As mentioned in my last communication, starting with this article my editing of others' articles shall be minimal. Regular readers shall notice the difference.
As a HiFi lone ranger I would call myself, I mostly work on my system alone but of course Kwong is my long term trusted HiFi companion sharing same belief. Dr John is another one whom we get acquainted when I start reading and commented on his posts, eventually writing here occasionally. Icefox is the walking Baidu/Google search of HiFi (the word encyclopedia seems obsolete in today's world hence not use here LOL and Dr Lo , a high school classmate and also is a seasoned audiophile with his own unique hifi path~
I do participate in a few small private hifi chat groups talk about mostly music and some HiFi stuff but home visit is very limited either to my place or visiting others setup.
Recently , I have met some really nice hifi lovers who had selflessly given me some constructive advice which helps to improve my setup!
Home visit to my place by a Hifi Lover
I met JC when I bought the LITE DAC a few years ago, which has a cult following and a dedicated discussion forum on modifying and opamp rolling!
On and off, we have been exchanging txt messages and I showed him some photos of my rig from time to time. He has then shown some interest and wanting to hear it. Seldom invite new friends over to listen to my setup and is a great opportunity to let someone who is new to my setup to give some constructive advice. In the end, it went well, at least he did not complain, or perhaps refrain from it. Instead, he was surprised by the realness of playing Youtube music and analog setup using my new toy Sound Burger from Audio Technica both via Bluetooth from my Douk U4, which he had never given a serious look at music from Bluetooth before .
JC was inspired by the sound playing Youtube music videos from my system that he pulled the trigger and bought one along with the TB retro looking antennae. His downstairs neighbor who is a researcher on BT and satellite transmission, said his BT controlled model plane can fly from Kwun Tong to TKO under control thru BT signal which is a full 4 to 5km distance apart!! Perhaps I should ask him to design a BT antennae for me~
Later, he connected the PJ Miaolai A4/Antennae (PJM A4 is equivalent to Douk U4) to his system where he found the sound to be very analog and musical ! Stock antennae tends to be more hifi but thinner and with more digital harshness in my opinion. Ultimately he thinks the stock cheap one has better high extension and openness. My comparison of the stock one and the retro sci-fi looking antennae and my findings is that the retro looking one is far more musical in my setup that I am willing to sacrifice the high frequency extension. Everyone will have their own setup, taste and preference !
He then invited me to his studio which is at a stone throw distance to my office, his place is like a museum with a lot of collectable gears inside, yet the sound does not sound a bit dated at all! Learnt a lot from him and he spent a lot of them explaining and hinting and finally got me hooked up to a super tweeter which is another story to tell which I eventually bought a pair of LCY 100Mk2 and is still experimenting with it and the journey has just begun...LOL
I think he is now a happy camper of A4 despite he much prefers the black colour to the uglier looking silver version LOL! I told him he can change the sound be replacing the capacitors of A4 but instead, he uses the best cables to test it which I think purely for fun. The lineup is VDH MC Silver Mk2 plus and Habst USB cable.....costing more than the costs of 100 units of Douk A4 and he said the performance is many folds better! He also did some tube rolling of many tubes and found out WE is of best result while I'm enjoying the one from JAN 5670..
Room acoustics - Room imbalance and imaging
I have met another really nice gentleman on R33 and he generously share his own knowledge on speaker placement. His belief is once speaker is positioned properly, you don't need to buy uber expensive gears ! I haven't started to implement his guide but it did triggered me to solve the problem of my uneven spaced living room with one side sticking close to glass door to my balcony and one side is completely opened up! But luckily , I suddenly remembered that my Dynaudio Crafft has some gain switches and I immediately tried to reduce 3db on both highs and mids of my left speaker against the wall and the imbalance towards left side has switched back to middle! Originally I only tried it to adjust gains simultaneously on both speakers but not just one unit. Previously, I had tried toe in left speaker but effect is minimal, so the gain switch does help immediately and if not this nice gentlemen triggered my determination, I would have never fixed this chronic issue.. LOL
As a return favour, I introduce him a Hifi absorbing/refection board manufacturer in Taobao which he can customer made with dimensions, shapes , patterns and colours to fit your own need!! That was actually another discovery from Kwong, my long time Hifi buddy!
Revisit to Dr Lo's home
The only change but a most significant change is to install a dedicated German custom made speaker stands for his Harbeth P3SE Special Edition and it costs him over a whacking $10000HKD! Well, it all worth it and the results is really great, now you find quality bass that is missing before and the analytical power has increased with tons of micro details being revealed!
It's always nice to meet new hifi lovers as it will always give you something new , inspire each other and can improve the performance of you setup with all the constructive ideas, of course there will be trial and error in this process which is inevitable!
As usual here's some of my latest street works~~