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(I) 不狂野的 La Scala
昨天一清早赫然看到 R33 上寫著 sktung 會在 7:30 拜訪 LaScalawong, 而后者說會准備早餐, 遂去電自邀。謝謝 sktung 在 MTR 接我,8:00 已在聽音樂了!
打通了的村屋廳很大, 器材簡單, Klipsch La Scala (后期,粉磁)大約按(我個人不推崇)的 Leo/音響之路 的玩法:
- 擺在廳中間
- 上面壓著 Corian 板, 沒用超高。
- 下面用釘,木架及 Corian 承著, 高了一尺左右。
- SONY CDP for CD playback
- QUAD QC24 (6111 nuvistor) + II-40 monoblocks (\"re-issue GEC\" KT88 PP)
聲音正統, 干淨, 幼細, 定位精確, 倒是規矩得不太像號角。 因離后牆遠,低音少點, 但打鼓還是有板有眼。 唯一可以挑剔的是播某些音樂時中低有那麼一點點的轟轟聲。 整體不像 BenYC 和我的 La Scala, 但我絕對同樣欣賞。
Lascalawong 兄是好客的性情中人, 故太座亦是,非常感激她從老遠買早餐回來。 我早吃完了美味的白粥, 炸兩及咸餅, sktung 還在拼命地照像, 好一個廢寢忘食的發燒友!
這次才發現 lascalawong 是超級軟件發燒友, 珍藏甚多!
(II) 一点都不好玩的 Tannoy
跟著, sktung 回家報到,lascalawong 經不起我施壓就硬把鄰居鄧先生叫起來,而我倆就去了他家聽剛買的 Tannoy Edinburgh.
喇叭漂亮得要命, 舊款,“水虫“面,12 寸, “蓮花”, “布”邊單元。店說是鋼磁,但我想不是。用的器材再簡單不過,全國產, Spark 膽 CD 機 + Music Angel KT88 PP 合並 (換了一些舊膽)。
一首歌,已知非凡, 肯定好過我聽過 90% 的 Red/Silver。再試 AV Show CD, 沒有一曲播得不好。很少聽到那麼通透誘人的 Tannoy。
太棒了!沒得玩, 乖乖聽音樂。
(III)可收可放的 JM Lab Mezzo Utopia三人午饭过后,意犹未尽, LaScalawong 遂致电 kyu888, 20 分钟后又开始了第三场。在 JC Letterbox 饮茶认识 kyu888 时已留意到他上过杂志二三次, 器材里有我喜欢的 MFA Luminescence 胆前级。其他:
- VPI 19 唱盘,Denon 103R 唱头
- 专业 MC 唱头放大
- CEC TL-51/ DX71
- Accuphase P-800 后级
kyu888 是个仔细的人, 对相位,增益等都一丝不苟,所以第一张唱片放出来我就吃了一惊。一点不像听过(不少)的 JM Lab, 竟然像号角般能量充沛,结像饱满, 现场气氛浓烈。 对一个用号角的人来说,这是最高的赞美。中低频的密度足以令 JBL 用家汗颜!至于低频的延伸稍逊, 我想是喇叭的关系。
唱片一张又一张, 都是天碟, 不亦乐乎! Opus3, M&K sampler, Mobile Fidleity, Living Stereo, Mercury, 没有播得不好的。
走前才听 CD, 很不一样,瘦一点, 但还是非常好, 前后感和阔度都优越。两个多钟头,一下就过去了, 还望下次去听更多的天碟。
kyu888 深信胆前级是必需的;我再赞成不过!
Review: NAD 315BEE integrated amplifier(Last revised, 26/08/08)PART 1: Background infoNAD has always been a good budget brand that delivers good driving power per dollar. Its very long history means it had both wildly successful products as well as many lemons. While NAD have always designed their amplifiers, many of their other products, like tuners and turntables, were simply re-badged products and varying in quality.I once had a 3020i and did not like its bland and flaccid sound. On the other hand, the 412 tuner (OEM) was really excellent (but not the model that followed it, a Japanese one). They also have traditionally put out good sounding CD players, though I have never owned one.Now based in Canada, in recent years, NAD have been expanding into the higher end a bit, with questionable success. However, recently their more humble products with the designation BEE (initials of chief designer, like Marantz's KI) have been garnering quite a bit of critical success, by even magazines like TAS and Stereophile. This has helped them regain footage (and dealership, like in Taiwan). On occasion I have heard them to usually good effect. I actually think the company has improved a lot and now walk a fine balance between hifi parameters and musicality.This is a brand new design. Although I have read reviews of this amplifier in 6moons and Soundstage, I never paid much attention to this product as those magazines are frequently questionable.A few weeks ago I checked out a stack of old HiFi News from the library to read in Shenzhen. And Ken Kessler's review of the amplifier (November 2007) caught my attention for the following reasons:1. Although I don't at all like Ken Kessler's review of "high-end" stuff, nor his overpraise of current tube products, this is an unusual review of a very cheap entry level integrated, which he bought. Note that KK does have perspective in the "cheap-end" and an interest in vintage and audio history. Hence he compared this amp to the "classic" 3020.2. I totally agree with him that the 3020 is nothing special.3. Unlike other net reviews, he used really good source (Marantz CD12/DA12, tweaked by Ken Ishiwata) and serious loudspeakers in his testing. Both the Ls3/5A and Sonus Faber Guarneri pose serious challenge to any integrated amplifiers, especially the latter.
4. Although I am no technocrat, usually I do believe in simplicity and am skeptical of too much control circuitry. NAD's "soft-clipping" I know is useless from my experience with the 3020i, and all serious users switch it off. NAD's amps also have controlling "Power Drive" circuitry, which I am somewhat skeptical of too. But here The excellent Paul Miller provided really useful technical information that made this entry-level amp much more attractive to me. The simpler "Power Drive-S" is not even electronic! I like that. The quartz-halogen bulbs referred to are the 2 silver-colored tube shield-like cans next to the (good-sized) power transformer ( for better reading, remember you can click on the pics to emlarge).
And I was really quite attracted by the measurements, particularly the healthy peak level figures for even 2 ohms and that is comforting if I have to use it to drive speakers like ATC.After reading the comprehensive review I was already tempted to buy one. Contributing to the final decision were:- Good looks (I prefer black/olive to the more popular silver/titanium).
- Small size (only 2/3 as tall or deep as standard).
- Remote control that is simple and effective (pictured in HFN).
- Very reasonable price of $2xxx. As water goods is only a little cheaper, and no black color, I'd advise buying hong hoods.
- My fetish with integrateds.
Part 2: My own listening experience
What started out as fun ultimately turned into a big "shootout" feast. But before the comparative listening (next part and future articles) the basic run-in and listening first.From the start, it was apparent that this belongs to the "big" sounding camp. None of the usual over-emphasis on treble/imaging (=tiny and not live) stuff for this amp. This one majors on "presence".At first sound is a little unruly and slightly coarse at high levels, but after several days of run-in this has disappeared.In order to run it in I had it almost constantly on, by running it both in the living room and in the study. This thing generates a fair amount of heat, and that created a problem in my study during the first really hot days. That boiling hot day I used a fan on myself, no room air-conditioning. With the windows closed and the amp place high up on the (deep) bookshelf (its slim size enables this to be done), ONE time the amp muted itself, and I found the fins too hot to touch. After opening the windows, I could place it even higher up (now <1.5' from the ceiling) and do not have any issue even driving tougher speakers like ATC A7. The amp partnered all speakers very well, including Usher S-520/X-708 and KEF LS3/5A.My main concern was classical replay. You shall note that KK did not even use one classic track and the German expressed reserve (with his weird speakers). Initially I was a little bothered by the coarseness. But not to worry, after running in, the amp turns out quite neutral in classical reproduction, be it solo intsruments or orchestral works.Its overall neutrality can be glimpsed from one fact: It effortlessly reflects the effect of gear change. It can reveal the astonishing difference between the three TDA1541 16-bit CD players I used during the evaluation (Naim CD2, Sony R1/D1 and Esoteric P500/D500); and between all the speakers used.Its capability can only be appreciated by partnering it with gears much oustside its price range. The better the gears, the better the sound with this little amp. It's a big mistake to base a review of this amp on partnering it with cheap speakers and CD players. It deserves better, like what KK had done.During all this, it never put a foot wrong, and was always emotionally generous. It cuts to the core of music and is never boring. Do be patient with run-in.And yes the remote is a pleasure. It now sits high up on my shelf, controlled from my desk-top. For this convenience, it has replaced the Cyrus I in my study. It is now playing through ATC SCM7 (placed on top of my bookshelves), fed by a Cambridge Audio DV87 player. Sound is great while I type! Oh, I just got myself a dirt-cheap and somewhat beat-up NAD 4020A tuner and it works wonders here too! The remote can control the matching NAD 515BEE CD player too; anyone wants to sell me one???
Next up would be comparisons with Cyrus I and Naim Nait II. This shall be followed in due course by comparisons of the small speakers and CD players mentioned in this review. Using this little amp? Why not?
Stay tuned...
BEST BUY: Integrated Amplifier and Receivers
Last revised August 20, 2012
This is the first in a series of "Buying Guides", which shall cover all components in replay. Of course, these do not aim at total coverage as they largely reflect my own experience of gears that I have used myself.
BEST BUY Integrated amplifiers/Receivers
No matter my ultimate preference, the budget integrated is an area I have always retained an interest in. These days in HK and NYC I listen to my second systems more than my main systems! While an integrated amplifier, especially a budget one, is ostensibly a compromise, it takes real judgment and art to achieve a good design, something surprisingly few manufacturers (especially non-UK ones) have managed to do. Provided your speakers are not too difficult for the limited power on hand, a good design can even outperform the same companies' separates in coherence and musicality, if not in power.
I have observed that a lot of audiophiles, including many who think of themselves as old-hands, really cannot handle the variables in matching, and do not even know when the system veers alarmingly from the norm. I'd say even if you don't "need" one, it is essential to have one on hand for testing of musical balance, a sort of reality test for audiophiles who love to delude themselves. This article covers mostly old models. As mentioned, few makers achieve a good design, not to say one that is a bargain (an abused term these days). Many manufacturers today, especially non-UK European ones, make rather expensive integrated and promote the notion that the short signal path brings benefits. While that is not false, with few exceptions, their implementation is usually quite bland, compared to their UK counterparts.
The older integrated's all have surprisingly strong phono sections that surpass many outboard phono amps that you can buy these days. That's good news for the TT user!
The best integrateds are overwhelmingly British, and mostly older ones. One really miss the stereotype of the old UK/European audiophile: stingy, cheap, calculating every penny AND very demanding! UK gears are not quite the same now. I miss the old days, don't you?
The modern and updated versions of these classics may have a "little" more power but they are largely the same (or inferior). They all claim continual refinement but looking at the circuit board makes you realize many are largely the same; sometimes the good is even refined out with the bad! So even evaluation of an old model can serve to illuminate newer ones.
Musical Fidelity A1 and A100-X and variantsFrom a pure sonic viewpoint, personally I think the A1 (and its closely related siblings A1-x, A1-S, A2 etc) as well as the higher powered A-100-X are the best integrated amps ever. Their unique look is entrancing. But they run alarmingly hot. One must have adequate ventilation. They are musically so wholesome that one wonders why a tube amp is needed. They even have better bass! Power is limited but if your space is not too big it's enough. In this respect the A-100-X is superior, with enough power to drive a good speaker even in a larger LR (info here). If the A1 were not so good, they would not be introducing a new version so many years later (though its power rating is closer to the A-100-X)! I haven't heard the new one. I am using an A1-S in my bedroom, which is air-conditioned in the summer, but it's in winter that the amp is comforting!!! It's a great match with my Audio Physic Step. Here is a must-read site. MF is NOT a brand that I like too much but, hey, the A1 was designed by none other than the great Tim Paravicini, now founder of EAR. If you know the excellence of EAR gears, you'd like this one. The MC/MM phonostage is excellent.
Linn Majik
(2010) Finally I got hold of one and this jumps now to head of the queue. It is superbly bold sounding, with outstanding PRAT. It merits a separate review!
Cyrus I, II (III)
The II adds the option of adding a separate power supply (which now commands a higher price than the amp itself). Even at the current inflated second-hand price, these are bargains. It sounds without grain, quite neutral (even a little hifi-ish) and has surprisingly enough power to drive the best of the cheap to moderately priced speakers (people have even used it to drive Magneplans, not that I advise that!). The organic whole, the integrity of the sound simply is first-class, and it outperforms in coherence many gears a hundred time its price. It drives the B&W M805 and LS3/5A very very well, and that's no mean achievement. Its MC/MM stage is even better than most "class A or B" components, and it works via the TAPE OUT with just the power cord plugged in (and the power switch NOT turned on; that is, in the long British tradiiton of "standby" mode). Even used just as a phono stage it is a sure bargain, and some say it comes close to a ML phonostage. Click for further Info.
Nait Nait I, II, III
The III is completely different cosmetically. These are excellent but not as neutral as the Cyrus. The sound is bolder and Naim's famed "Rhythm and Pace" is very much in evidence (more than its modern counterparts), but there are things to watch out for: (1) the vital vocal midrange is a little recessed; (2) Lower midrange to upper bass is a little emphasized; (3) Treble is just that little bit reticent. Its primary strength is in its portrayal of the leading edge, an area I have not heard its equal. It is best partnered with its own CD players, which shall yield a sound that is uniquely rhythmic and pacey, not neutral but a paradigm in what it excels in. In a complete set, it can lay claim to a unique sound not heard with other brands, and here I tip my hat. An example is my Nait II and CD2 (TDA1541A) combo. With it, the ATTACK of a single plugged string (like guitar), or drumming, are phenomenally live. Even more surprisingly, the "rhythm and pace" benefits tremendously a slow instrument like the organ. With Bach's organ work, you can literally feel the different degree of attack that the organists applied on the keyboard, and it's a revelation. Click for a good read. Note that the phostage are either MM or MC, and they are excellent.
NAD (revised Aug 20, 2012)I originally wrote: "...For once I agree with Ken Kessler that the "venerable" 3020 is flaccid-sounding and hopelessly over-rated. I got a 3020i
as a close-out from Ming Fat and till I sold it some years later I
never realized what the hell was it all about!. I much prefer the
current remote-equipped 315BEE, which garnered rave reviews everywhere.
After reading the detailed review by Ken Kessler in Hi-Fi News I bought one, and that's a first for me with this reviewer! Now
it's the 316BEE. I also have a 325BEE in NYC. Buy any of their BEE
series with confidence..." Now, while the BEE's are great buys, I have
to make a revision here: (revised Aug 20, 2012) I finally got to hear the original NAD 3020, which was a revelation (review here). It deserves the term "legendary", and was certainly much better than the underwhelming 3020i I had before. Its all-rounded nature and musicality puts it into the top eschelon of integrated amplifiers.
LFD My experience with the Zero Mk III was enlightening. The phono section is superb, and driving power is awesome. The internals look very much like the much earlier Mistral, which if available is probably even more of a bargain.
Quad 77 was the first and only integrated amp Quad made. It is a much under-rated amp with sound distinct from the old Quads of 303, 405, 306, edging very very close to the sound of the current 99 series, which curiously has no integrated amp (as it has volume built into its CDP). This is a crisper sound than Cyrus/Naim and it can drive even ATC very well. A classic. The only problem is that most of the remotes have broken down, so use the front buttons. At its current price (likely less than a Nait), grab one if you see one. No phonostage. I am keeping mine.
Arcam, Meridian, Exposure, Audiolab, AVI, Rega, Creek, Rotel
Unless otherwise noted, phono is an option with these, which means the units in HK are largely without. The Arcam 290 (excellent optional phono) was the only Arcam integrated that I liked very much. A little dim, grainy and earthy, but powerful and able to drive the LS3/5A. The Meridian 501 looked great and sounded fine but was seriously underpowered, and that stupid remote! If you can find it, the old 100 series is a lot more fun. Yawn, the famed Exposure XX is very powerful but tonally shut-in and not attractive. Audiolab 8000B (line only) is better than the dull 8000A (MM/MC) and the lean 8000S (line only), but with this brand you have to go to the 8000C(MC,MM)/8000P to get better sound. AVI is an even performer but rare in HK. The old Rega Brio (MM phono) is too light sounding; I reckon you have to go to higher models to get more. But the old look is fabulous, much better than the new ones. I have never owned a Creek but have always liked the sound of the old black boxes with green letters (which have phono); the new aluminum fascia of the Destiny and Evo series look hideous. Rotels are always good value for money, and the old models (MM/MC phono) can be had for very little money, though one may wish to investigate their separates instead (like the 870BX amp I have).
Linn Classik (old version)This is a very good complete system. The integrated is fine, the tuner is outrageously excellent and the CD player is competent (but a far cry from their excellent CDPs. I am not familiar with the newer version. The integrated amp part is good but not as good as the older Majik.
SOLID STATE (non-UK):The problem with many non-UK integrateds is that they are just too bulky or expensive for me. Why not go separates for the size! So my experience is limited, but there are some gems.
Revox/StuderImpeccably built and neutral sounding, a good one will shame most modern "high-end" solid state gears! I was very surprised by the performance of BOTH the preamp and the amp sections of my B-750 MkII. The former is as good as a solid state preamp can get, and the latter has enough real world power to drive my ATC20 to very satisfying level! If you can handle the bulk, try one!
Ever since I saw and heard the CSA-14 driving LS3/5A at Golden String I wanted one. This is a bulky but very well built 120 wpc integrated amp with 2x 6DJ8 in the input stage, and therefore it has a warm sound and fluidity. In contrast to the next incarnation CSA-28, which is almost exactly the same inside and out, this model even has an ss MM phonostage!!! That makes it a ridiculous bargain at current second-hand price, which is not much more than a Nait! Copland also makes good tube amplifiers (superior output transformers).
I have never owned any Pathos, but my good friends did. It was many years ago that I encountered the fascinating, mammoth and now classic Twin Towers, which established Pathos' name. However, although the sound was excellent, its driving power left something to be desired with speakers like Sonus Faber Electa Amator or even LS3/5A. It was not until another friend used the smaller but more powerful Classic One (pictured) with his B&W Nautilus 804 that I took note of the very fine all rounded performance. Yes, the preamp tubes helped greatly in delivering the mellifluous sound!
The Beat B-100 is a fabulous chunk of aluminum. I think it really is just an amp with a volume pot, but it is highly resolving, surprisingly dynamic and rhythmically enticing. This brand never caught on in HK. I sold it because it's just too chunky but sometimes I regret it. If this were available in a UK shoebox I'd get one...
Big but excellent products. Mine was an E-204 I think. It ran pretty hot but gave excellent sound with hard-to-drive speakers like ATC20. The MC/MM phono is also exceptional. Mine was black, and I was told that meant hong goods for the old models. I miss mine.
More than an integrated amp, this is a receiver. Now, this is a curiosity. The integrated amp portion is solid state, and an excellent one at that, more powerful than the UK stuff, and it looks fabulous too. What makes it unique is the tuner, a fully tubed section!!! IMHO, the tuner section rivals that of the finest McIntosh tuners! And so it is a great bargain. My review has more details. If interested in its siblings and other priceless gears from this company, click here for a great site.
Early USA Marantz are excellent, and surprisingly powerful too. In an era where horrid sounding ss amps were being made, it was a comfort to many. I picked up the 1040 for US$10 by the sidewalk, though I spent $70 fixing it up later! It's worth it, as it can even drive my Magnepan MMG to excellent level. I am using this in my bedroom in the USA. Visit this excellent Marantz site.
There is too much to cover, but so much for now. Note that I do not really include true tube integrated amps (not amp with volume knob) for the reason that they are cumbersome and the vintage ones are difficult to service.
Perhaps I shall add to this article in the future---to be continued.
The Meridian F80 is a "table top" radio that does a lot more than that. As I think it's eminently suitable for an old couple I know, a friend and I went investigating after Saturday yum cha.
The EXCEL Central showroom was rather dour looking, but the young salesman was polite enough to turn on the thing for us. Placed on a shelf, the sound was surprisingly good, but a little bass heavy initially. We soon found out there is ample DSP sound-contouring provision. Facing the thing directly, one does get some sense of the recording venue, enveloping space and a some imaging.
Moving to the sides dimmed the sound a little, but the salesman then said the "soundstage" can be widened! A minor adjustment and voila! Sound became more laterally dispersed and the feeling of treble roll-off vanished.
The thing can be played reasonably loud. Beethoven's 9th did well without signs of stress from the speakers. The narrow slot at the bottom just swallows your CD and it plays automatically.
The radio fared even better. With just a small antenna reception was more than strong, and the sound from RTHK4 was even better than the CD playback. Mind you, this tuner is DAB ready!
A remote is a convenience, and an optional iPod dock can be purchased. It plays DVDs too, and there is a video out.
Its footprint is smaller than a Linn Classik + speakers combo, and it offers a upscale challenge to Tivoli.
Not a bad toy at all and enough for a lot of people. My friend said, "better violin sound than the setups of many audiophiles. They should listen to this for a reference..."