07 December, 2022

史特灵 LS3/5A 11 Ohm Taobao 12.12

所有图片点击放大。Click pics to enlarge. Chez Jules‘, atop Vitavox Horns, from L, Chartwell 15, Spendor 15 and Beydas. See below for more pics.
Letter from Shenzhen (22:17): 史特靈 LS3/5A, Part II, 11 Ohm
11.11 錯失良機,15 16 咪又執輸 11 15 本為連體 12.12 亡羊補牢

To Non-Chinese Readers: This extension of an article featuring a local clone LS3/5A is primarily for our Hong Kong and Asian readers. The Chinese products discussed here are not available outside the region. I let you know this to save you the bother of translating. I know for a fact that some readers in the West have tried to buy to no avail, as the courier used by the seller would not ship to the West due to regulatory reasons (there are many during Covid times).

有第一次就有第二次。上一次特地為香港及華人讀者們寫的中文文章事關淘寶雙十一(尤其史特靈),而寶貝暫時沒有賣到西方去的。這一次事關雙十二,佳日重臨;留意,史特靈 12.12 其實在 12.10 晚上 20:00 展開,希望大家抓緊。重要的是,我(及友人們)又聽了一個月,有些重要的心得。 

史特靈 LS3/5A 11 Ohm
沒看過 Part I 前文的讀者,建議你先讀;看過的也不妨重溫。

上一次我寫的是我買的 15 ohm。聽了驚艷,就寫了文章。好像沒有交代過,挑選 15 而不是 11 只不過是因為“傳統智慧”,畢竟是隔山買牛,沒有聽過嘛!有好東西,當然發給兄弟,結果超乎我想像:我的圈子小,但友人們圈子大,居然以訛傳訛,在香港發揚光大!當然,這裡有一個齊娃娃效應,畢竟大家一齊玩開心D,但別忘記,我友人們(及他們的相識)都是老嫖,現代或古董典範器材(包括35)皆全,不少系統價值不菲,叫他們收貨是不容易的!而且不單止認同,聽說還有 CLS 靚聲之言!

前文到現在的一段時間,我了解到代理 HiFi Music 雖然不諳一切設計元素,但掌握的還是蠻多的。原來產商 Beydas 按照一對英國 bi-wire 11 ohm LS3/5A(應該是 Spendor) 先弄出來的是 11 ohm, 曰:聲音幾乎亂真。但考慮到迎合大眾(包括國內)口味,作了調整研發了 15 ohm。這裡我們進入了一個灰色地帶。當初 BBC 把 15 轉成 11 是基於多年來產生的單元差異和時代趨勢的元素。我估計 Beydas 無論 11 或 15,單元都是一樣的,只是分音和調聲不同,這個和 BBC 初心有一點出入。基於這個觀點,11 ohm 理論上該是更加靠近 BBC 的。也就是因為這樣,就身痕搞咗對 11 來聽。長話短說,哈!果然是兄弟,聲底相似;分別是有的,但出人意表。

構造 音箱都是甲板做的。除了分音器一些零件值不一樣,其它都是一模一樣的。值得一提的是,我得悉產商為了那幾隻牛(Autoformer,自藕變壓器)傷了不少腦筋。繞線多少半圈測出來的價值都不一樣;篩選困難。由於成本高昂,沒有利潤,暫時沒有意欲繼續生產,所以史特灵 LS3/5A 可能迅將成為絕唱。 

外觀 15 ohm 的木皮不是我們熟悉的那種黑檀木,而是帶木色斑馬紋的,不是每一個人都會覺得好看的。乍看還會懷疑是不是打印膠皮的,可是用手輕輕掃一下,就會感覺到應有的微凹凸感;我這裡暫時有兩對,木紋是不一樣的,大家可以放心,是真木皮。 11 ohm 就明顯是木皮,木紋也較深,可是像真木一樣,有木眼,紋有深淺,不愛天然參次的人要接受。我自己的感覺是真像木皮,而曝光久了喇叭會深色化而深淺的對比也會沒那麼明顯。據說香港朋友們似乎喜歡 11 ohm 的木色多些。 

聲音 聽了15幾個星期後,把11換上去,也聽了幾個星期 - 沒有任何衝動或需要把它拿下來,兩者都那麼動聽。寫15的文字可以全盤照用在11身上。當然,分別還是有的,我覺得:1)11 中低更像傳統 3/5A聲,婉轉一點,蔡琴會更磁性一點,小提琴也會更纏綿一些;2)15 高音會更開楊一點,聲底爽一些,古典爆棚控制力強一點,向現代英國復刻版靠齊; 3) 值得一提的是,友人留意到數據上(見前文)11 比 15下潛多 10Hz,但我聆聽的感覺是,低音雖然厚一點點,效果更多是反映在中頻(上述),人對音頻波動的反應是非常微妙的。對比如出一轍的聲底,這些分別不大,任何一對都把聯盟音響的Anubis 殺的片甲不留,愧對江東父老(話說回來,那些所謂父老不見也罷!)我很高興兩對都有。下面微信截圖裡我結集香港朋友們的反應,雖然由於系統差異細節上和我的經驗並不完全一致,但都是頂讚的,具參考價值。我們這些評語也多少顛覆了一般錯誤地認為 11 較薄而 15 較厚的觀點 - 像我和朋友 Jules 的 Chartwell 15 ohm 就都很爽聲的。 

友人Jules 的發燒聖地,被 icefox 譽為”廟细五臟大“
推动有 PX-25 SET 和 Lectron Le Classe A
发廊里的发烧世界,早期 Cyrus 和 35 兄弟 JR149
笔者的 11 和 15。

庫存 因為上一輪的搶購,15 已經幾乎售馨。這是因為在不知底細下每個人開頭都會盲目追隨所謂 15 ohm 的傳奇(包括我),忽視了這其實是個單元完全不同的現代“復刻”!個人意見,趁價錢相怡,起碼趕緊納入一對 11 ohm才是上著。如前文所說,用現代英國復刻版幾乎十分一的價錢取到這樣亮眼的效果,還需要考慮嗎?不要忘記,上述香港朋友們都有英國舊裝,給這麼高的評價,不是偶然的。 

結論 史特靈不單止模擬 LS3/5A 異常到位,且低音線條靚,沒有很多舊 35 的拖泥帶水。如前,友人所說,全面性毋庸置疑。個人更敢說,堪與現代任何  LS3/5A  匹敵,是複刻 LS3/5A 的一個里程碑;兩萬上下的書架喇叭,沒有對手;更惶說,天價小喇叭,如 Magico, Borrensen 等,都沒有它那自然呈現的感染力

1)想知道联盟音响的 Anubis 有多离谱,看这里
2)我最近买的东西记录在这里,有的 12.12 可能会少许折扣。 


  1. "11 比 15下潛多 10Hz" - on paper so stated. Unless Beydas reveals and publishes the anechoic chamber measurements,your guess is as good as mine. Alll other things constant, the only part change was in my guess: resistor type and value change to vary the ohms. In my opinion, humble personal rookiephile opinon, the main and only difference between the 11 and 15 ohms is merely colouration (flavor, for lack of a better word). Like changes brought about by the use of different powercords, the fundementals did not and will never change. You rightly mentioned "對比如出一轍的聲底", the Beydas house sound is there. To sum it up, to me: 15 ohms - more punch and "oomph", 11 ohms - mellow, fluffy and mesmerizing. YMMV

    1. Absolutely agree with you. Thx for your input again!

    2. Actually, can you email me? cheaptube@hotmail.com Thx!

    3. Check your junkbox

  2. Of all details, British was spelt so wrongly and “individually” crafted would have made the whole package Perfect. The label, check yours!

    1. Indeed, you are correct. As with many things here, like wine imported from EU but bottled here, linguistic mistakes are par for the course. In fact, I use it as a tool to check for authenticity. In this case, it's obviously a "clone". The most insane thing is, although it says "Stirling", it has nothing to do with the Stirling clone! But, imitation is a form of flattery!

  3. I guess it’s the adage: same same but different 😉

  4. The 15s are gone! Well we have gotten both 11 an 15. Enough to pass down. Do not get any other clones anymore. Indeed our quest has ended

  5. So, I’d have to ask: Have you guys tried the Sound Artist “homage” LS3/5a’s, Dr. John, in particular? I have a pair and I like them better than my Spendor 11 ohm’s, more extended high frequencies but remaining same in character, same LS3/5a mids, bass, especially upper bass a bit more linear, and can go a bit louder than the Spendor’s. MDF body construction, however, not sure abiut the baffle.

    1. Ah, too bad we're not in the same place to have a shootout! No, I don't think any of us have heard that one, but I sure would like to! You should write a comparison for us! For myself, I also think it's not that surprising at all some of us prefer the "updated" versions - i.e. clones.

    2. https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/sound-artist-ls3-5a-speakers-arent-too-bad-but-theres-a-catch-or-two.994434/

    3. “ Unfortunately, these $600 speakers are just $600 speakers.”

      With all due respect, you prefer the coloration of the SA, that’s all. Remember always, the cabinet of the 3/5 is integral if not the essence of the voicing, 2nd only to the crossover. The Beydas 11 ohms is cheaper (shipped) at at least to where I am and with cross over that I dare say is on par if not “better” than the originals and the cabinet is voiced correctly. Have not heard the SA, and will not, the Beydas is simply, at least to me and doc, an exemplary clone. Try it. PS the SA Xover can be seen in the stevehoffman review and, it’s a joke ( no offense)

  6. None taken. Hi-Fi IMO has always been My-Fi. You hear what you hear, and you judge for your own set of values. I believe no guru, no method, no teacher. I value my opinion, informed by years owning classics and music experience, more than any other (self-important and self-styled) joker on a forum or a self-serving reviewer on any platform. Like I was telling drjohn, I’m in this for fun, not dogma.

  7. Besides Sound Artist and the homage to Stirling’s homage, does anyone have experience with the more easily accessible (outside of PRC) BestVox LS3/5as? They appear to have distribution in HK and Taiwan, they also produce an affordable LS5/9 homage that is well received amongst the Taiwanese press. While measurements could always be fudged, they seem confident enough to publish theirs openly and against their UK made brethren… Thanks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Couldn’t and dare not get the original 3/5as without a reliable source and started with the Bestvox 15, didn’t like it, got the Bestvox 11, preferred it over the 15, went on to get the LS5/9, stronger bass but never got used to its bass reflex mode. Got the Beydas 15ohm LS3/5a, preferred it over all my Bestvoxes, went on to get the Beydas 11ohms. The Beydas are now my reference and I alternate between the 11 and 15, depending on genre. For speech: news broadcasts over the tv and radio material, the 15 is my de facto choice. Music (vocals, jazz, pop and opera) the 11s take center stage. If you have not heard the Beydas, the Bestvox 11 ohms is a good balance between the 15ohms and Ls5/9 of Bestvox brand. But once you lay hands on the Beydas, you won’t be able to go back to either.

    3. Some of your comments are gratuitous and you are not a good reader. It's fine you air your opinion of Bestvox, but what you said about Beydas is totally useless under these circumstances. The reader asked for "outside PRC" and Beydas is not available in the West, So, why say all that? This is not a forum for anyone to insist on theirs must be the only one. We try to help with readers' choice. Not to create more problems. From now on, if a reader show insensitivity in response or over-insistence on his own view, I reserve the right to not publish the comment.

    4. Previously you told Ray, who's in the US, where the Beydas is not available, to try it! What's wrong with your big blindspot? It's fine you love yours to death, but to tell others to try it when it is not available where they live, that's just beyond ridiculous. be more considerate in your responses.

    5. Hi Blog owner. Please delete my comments. Apologies to have encroached on your blog

    6. No need. Many of your comments are constructive, and I appreciate them! Just that, be a little tempered, and think of what the other person(s) are asking. I'm glad you enjoy the Beydas. In fact, I may have news. Our efforts may have resurrected their offering from deletion, so there may yet be more in the future. I actually hope one day they shall be available to the West. At THAT time, we can probably better compare. So far, Beydas is confined to the Chinese around TB. We enjoy it, but I'm sure many enjoy the other versions too. Truth, NONE of these replicas make much money - it's a matter of love. And many of us have the originals, Salamat has said that he prefers his replica to real Spendor. That I can understand. So, I'm glad we're all immersed in it.

  8. Thanks for recommedation, I have purchased a pair of 11ohm. However,the treble is quite dull, just how many hrs run-in required to make it performs better.

    1. Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to publish my latest article before replying. I just published it https://cheaptubeaudio.blogspot.com/2023/11/updates-on-my-systems-tda-1305-dac-smps.html
      If you read it, there may be something relevant there for you.
      The Beydas 11 ohm is naturally slightly on the dark side, but not hopelessly so. There can be many reasons for your situation, but I'd like to know IN DETAIL your equipment before commenting more. Can you tell me, including all cables? Thx, and sorry for late reply.

    2. Hi John, 我的 11ohm版本亦是高音非常暗,用石機好D但仍然不足,想問一下是否35a特色😅

    3. 哈哈,绝对不是35特色。Beydas 11 ohm 要通些的话,需要改进系统的空气感。你用什么器材?
